Plastic pollution has become a pervasive environmental issue, affecting every corner of the planet. This is particularly evident in the Southeast Asia (SEA) region, where inadequate waste management lead to rampant plastic leakage into the ocean. Efforts to tackle plastic pollution have gained significant momentum, especially following the historic endorsement by Member States at the 2022 UN Environment Assembly. This endorsement initiated the process to end plastic pollution through the establishment of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) and the negotiation of a global plastic treaty.
Addressing plastic pollution effectively requires leveraging partnerships and resources to enhance knowledge, capacity, and skills. The “See, Solutions! Leveraging Partnerships and Resources” session aims to unite stakeholders in the fight against plastic pollution by showcasing successful partnerships, sharing best practices in leveraging resources, and fostering collaborative efforts.
This session aims to:
- Exchange on how partnerships and multi-stakeholder collaboration can be key in translating commitments into action. Different stakeholders can share what they can bring to the table to achieve a successful implementation.
- Explore effective approaches in leveraging financial and non-financial resources. Concrete experiences will be showcased.
- Inspire the audience through the examples to have better insight into challenges and ways forward – further scaling efforts to end plastic pollution.
Moderator: Sharanjit Leyl, Senior Broadcast Journalist and Presenter
- Kate Philp, Environmental Engineer, Worldbank
- Reo Kawamura , Head of Environment Unit and Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
- Alvaro Zurita, Head of Project, MA-RE-DESIGN, GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
- Christina Jäger, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Yunus Environmental Hub
- Patinya Silsupadol, Head of Sustainability, Tetra Pak
Session recording: