Patinya Silsupadol

Board Member, Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment

Patinya Silsupadol is the Head of Sustainability at Tetra Pak (Thailand) Ltd., a role he has held since 2019. With over 20 years of experience in the packaging industry, Patinya brings extensive expertise across marketing, sales, international business, procurement, supply chain, and sustainability. He serves as the Secretary-General and Executive Board member of the Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE) and is a board member of the Thailand Carbon Neutral Network (TCNN) supported by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO). Patinya holds a Master’s degree in Technology Management from Mercer University’s Atlanta campus and a Bachelor’s degree in Product Development from Kasetsart University.

Plenary session 6: See, solutions! Leveraging partnerships and resources

19 September 2024
09:30 - 10:30
United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok